When the course guarantor is selected, comments will be displayed regarding his/her teaching performance as well as that of all the other teachers teaching the course. If a teacher who is not the course guarantor is selected, only comments related to his/her teaching will be displayed.
doc. RNDr. Martin Branda, Ph.D. [32-KPMS], Optimisation Theory [NMSA413, cvičení]
Student has disallowed display of personal data, 14.02.2024, 1. ročník, Pravděpodobnost, matematická statistika a ekonometrie, Master's (post-Bachelor)
Přístup cvičícího se mi celkově líbil. Na začátku hodiny rychle, výstižně a na rovinu vše vysvětlil a díky celkově svižnému tempu hodiny jsme se byly schopni toho naučit hodně.
doc. RNDr. Petr Lachout, CSc. [32-KPMS], Optimisation Theory [NMSA413, přednáška]
Student has disallowed display of personal data, 31.01.2024, 1. ročník, Mathematical Analysis, Master's (post-Bachelor)
I liked the teacher's willingness to meet as often as possible to discuss any and all aspects of the course. He is a professional in the field so therefore he might have the tendency to gloss over some things, even in the lecture notes. But he is very nice on the exam.
Ing. Vít Procházka, Ph.D. [32-KPMS], Optimisation Theory [NMSA413, cvičení]
Student has disallowed display of personal data, 16.02.2024, 1. ročník, Pravděpodobnost, matematická statistika a ekonometrie, Master's (post-Bachelor)
Oceňujem veľa grafických znázornení a interakcie so študentmi. Na dotazy sa reagovalo a so zápočtom nebol problém.
Student has disallowed display of personal data, 31.01.2024, 1. ročník, Mathematical Analysis, Master's (post-Bachelor)
The teaching assistant has a very unique approach to optimisation and makes great effort to explain everything in detail. He is very responsive over e-mail and helpful with his answers.
Comment on course, Optimisation Theory [NMSA413, cvičení]
Student has disallowed display of personal data, 16.02.2024, 1. ročník, Pravděpodobnost, matematická statistika a ekonometrie, Master's (post-Bachelor)
Cvičenia dosť pomohli s pochopením teórie z prednášky. Bolo by fajn, keby sa venovalo viac času posledným kapitolám (t.j. matematickému programovaniu).
Student has disallowed display of personal data, 31.01.2024, 1. ročník, Mathematical Analysis, Master's (post-Bachelor)
I liked that the practicals were connected to the lectures. They were great preparation for the exam as well. The materials with solutions were also available online and in English, which made the studying simpler. From the beginning, they are quite basic, so they could perhaps be skipped for someone with some prior knowledge of optimization.
Comment on course, Optimisation Theory [NMSA413, přednáška]
Student has disallowed display of personal data, 31.01.2024, 1. ročník, Mathematical Analysis, Master's (post-Bachelor)
I liked the theoretical part of the course although it is very extensive and requires quite some hours per week of studying. However, the requirements for the written and oral exam are provided, which makes the studying a bit better.