When the course guarantor is selected, comments will be displayed regarding his/her teaching performance as well as that of all the other teachers teaching the course. If a teacher who is not the course guarantor is selected, only comments related to his/her teaching will be displayed.
Ing. Miroslav Čábelka [31-370], Cartography field courses [MZ350T08, terénní práce]
Student has disallowed display of personal data, 20.10.2005, 3. Year, Geografie, Bachelor's
...a tady mě pan ing. Čábelka mile překvapil a stále dobře bavil, nad očekávání brilantní!
Student has disallowed display of personal data, 08.11.2005, 3. Year, Geografie, Bachelor's
Poměrně náročné ale pestré a přínosné
Student has disallowed display of personal data, 09.01.2009, 3. Year, Geografie, Bachelor's
Je nutné mít do skupiny počítač (svůj).
Ing. Eva Štefanová, Ph.D. [31-370], Cartography field courses [MZ350T08, terénní práce]
Student has disallowed display of personal data, 20.10.2005, 3. Year, Geografie, Bachelor's