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Mgr. Denys Bulavka, Ph.D. [32-KAM], Pravděpodobnostní techniky [NTIN022, cvičení]
Autor příspěvku je pořadateli ankety známý, 09.02.2024, 1. ročník, Informatika - Diskrétní modely a algoritmy, navazující magisterské
Honestly, the biggest problem for me was how much time it took him to correct our homework assignments. At some point I wasn’t even sure I would pass the tutorials because I wasn’t getting my assignments back. It became very stressful.
Mgr. Tomáš Hons [32-IUUK], Pravděpodobnostní techniky [NTIN022, cvičení]
Autor příspěvku je pořadateli ankety známý, 09.02.2024, 1. ročník, Informatika - Diskrétní modely a algoritmy, navazující magisterské
Tomas is very keen on helping students during tutorials. He is prepared well for the tutorial. He is kind and nice. Also most of the homework assignments were corrected very fast by him.
Mykhaylo Tyomkyn, Ph.D. [32-KAM], Pravděpodobnostní techniky [NTIN022, přednáška]
Student zakázal zobrazování osobních údajů, 14.02.2024, 1. ročník, Informatika - Diskrétní modely a algoritmy, navazující magisterské
Everything is well explained and presented.The lectures are quite fun. The only downside is, sometimes, I felt like it was quite fast so I did not manage to write my notes properly. Luckily, the material for this lecture is quite good.
Kateřina Lembke, 09.02.2024, 1. Ročník, Informatika - Diskrétní modely a algoritmy, navazující magisterské
The teacher is very kind, always willing to help students to understand the topics presented at the lecture. His english is excellent. Also his calming presence during my exam helped me a lot, I was almost not stressed when taking the exam. Thank you!
Připomínka k předmětu, Pravděpodobnostní techniky [NTIN022, cvičení]
Student zakázal zobrazování osobních údajů, 14.02.2024, 1. ročník, Informatika - Diskrétní modely a algoritmy, navazující magisterské
The homework is quite hard, but getting credit is doable with needing only 1/3rd of the points total. If you get above 2/3 of points, you pass the exam, which is quite nice, but it takes a lot of time, but it is worth it.
Autor příspěvku je pořadateli ankety známý, 09.02.2024, 1. ročník, Informatika - Diskrétní modely a algoritmy, navazující magisterské
It would be better (in my opinion) if the tutorials were preparing us more for the homework assignments. Presenting solutions of homework assignments (which is mostly what tutorials were for) is nice but it won’t help us to solve assignments for the next homework set. Also based on the old tutorial’s websites there is some amount of tasks given to students to solve as homework but no one in past years has solved these exercises. What is the purpose behind giving us to solve sth no one has solved in past years? It was very demotivating and kind of depressing at times.
Připomínka k předmětu, Pravděpodobnostní techniky [NTIN022, přednáška]
Student zakázal zobrazování osobních údajů, 14.02.2024, 1. ročník, Informatika - Diskrétní modely a algoritmy, navazující magisterské
This subject is extremely interesting. One of my favourites so far.
Autor příspěvku je pořadateli ankety známý, 09.02.2024, 1. ročník, Informatika - Diskrétní modely a algoritmy, navazující magisterské
The lecture is very well put together in my opinion. It consists of very interesting topics and techniques.
Univerzita Karlova | Informační systém UK