AnketaAnketa(verze: 716)
V letním semestru akademického roku 2023/2024 probíhá sběr dat 27.05.2024 - 15.09.2024. (MFF)
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Připomínky k výuce (Oba semestry)
Předmět: Katedra:
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Připomínka k předmětu, Introduction to computational science [NSCI030, cvičení]
Student zakázal zobrazování osobních údajů, 18.02.2024, 1. ročník, Science, bakalářské
For me, as someone who hasn't had much contact with computers so far (importantly because of not very good teaching at high school), the lectures were a bit difficult at first – to understand all the concepts mentioned and orient in all the terms. Later on, it was slightly better, but I still feel I am still missing many things.

Overall, the lecture was great as I got an introduction to various branches of computational sciences. Nonetheless, I'm a bit hesitant about whether it was necessary to bite off so many topics and whether it would not be better to focus more thoroughly on only some of them.

I think, probably the best study material would be the lecture notes we got for the topic on markup languages. That allows one to go over the material despite lying down with a fever and bad cough, to recall the lecture before the exam, or to look up a misunderstood term from the lecture.

And one more thing that didn't seem to me quite well carried out - the dates of the exams. The dates were announced relatively late, and one thus didn't have many opportunities to plan the exam period well.
Připomínka k předmětu, Introduction to computational science [NSCI030, přednáška]
Student zakázal zobrazování osobních údajů, 18.02.2024, 1. ročník, Science, bakalářské
The exercises were relatively well-prepared. However, I think many things were discussed too quickly for a significant number of students. People often didn't have time to copy the appropriate command and got slightly lost.
I also think it might have been better to include the LaTeX section earlier in the course and discuss it more thoroughly (perhaps at the expense of FreeCad) - after all, it is a tool useful in other courses as well.
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